We are implementing a sample application using Kong API gateway with JWT authentication plugin.
As refer in this thread, there are two ways to store JWT in the browser. Web storage or cookies. But web storage (i.e. session storage and local storage) can be vulnerable to cross-site scripting attack(XSS). So other option is cookie. (Though CSRF should be taken care off)
I have two questions,
If we use web storage to store JWT then is there any way to stop XSS. If yes then how it will work if the same page is open in the new tab or reload the same page ?
Using cookie: We are able to send the cookies in the request. But KONG is authenticating the end point URL only if the JWT is set on headers (Authorisation: Bearer token
) and not authenticating using cookies. Is there any way to verify JWT which is set in cookies using KONG API Gateway ?
Cookie based authentication is implemented. https://github.com/Kong/kong/pull/2973