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May i render the react-portal inside my react application?

I use react 16. I want to render portal inside my app like that:

    <div id="app-root">
      <div>...My app stuff</div>
      <div id="modal-root">... portal stuff</div> <-- portal content

But official doc recommends render portal next to, not in app.

    <div id="app-root"></div>
    <div id="modal-root"></div>

Is it the only correct way to use the portal?


  • The idea of portal is that you can render it anywhere in the DOM tree, all you need is a valid DOM Node to render it into, its not necessary for it to be next to app-root

    According to the Docs

    However, sometimes it’s useful to insert a child into a different location in the DOM:

    render() {
      // React does *not* create a new div. It renders the children into `domNode`.
      // domNode is any valid DOM node, regardless of its location in the DOM.
      return ReactDOM.createPortal(