Hai Iam new to retrofit and aim trying to get data from a url using retrofit library and here is my json data
I would like to display the name in every array.
and here are the gson converted Pojo classes
public class RestResponse {
private List<String> messages = null;
private List<Result> result = null;
public List<String> getMessages() {
return messages;
public void setMessages(List<String> messages) {
this.messages = messages;
public List<Result> getResult() {
return result;
public void setResult(List<Result> result) {
this.result = result;
and the Second one Result.java
public class Result {
private String name;
private String alpha2Code;
private String alpha3Code;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getAlpha2Code() {
return alpha2Code;
public void setAlpha2Code(String alpha2Code) {
this.alpha2Code = alpha2Code;
public String getAlpha3Code() {
return alpha3Code;
public void setAlpha3Code(String alpha3Code) {
this.alpha3Code = alpha3Code;
and finally RestResponseMain.java // Example.java file generated by Gson Converter
public class RestResponseMain {
private RestResponse restResponse;
public RestResponse getRestResponse() {
return restResponse;
public void setRestResponse(RestResponse restResponse) {
this.restResponse = restResponse;
By using above classes i was trying to retrieve data by
The Actual URL is: http://services.groupkt.com/country/get/all
and my Apiclenit file is:
public class ApiClient {
public static final String BaseUrl="http://services.groupkt.com";
public static Retrofit retrofit = null;
public static Retrofit getData()
retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(BaseUrl).addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create()).build();
return retrofit;
and ApiInterface is
public interface ApiInterface {
Call<RestResponse> getData();
and in MainActivity the action i have use is
ApiInterface apiInterface = ApiClient.getData().create(ApiInterface.class);
Call<RestResponse> call = apiInterface.getData();
call.enqueue(new Callback<RestResponse>() {
public void onResponse(Call<RestResponse> call, Response<RestResponse> response) {
List<Result> list = response.body().getResult();
MyRecyclerRetrofitAdapter adapter = new MyRecyclerRetrofitAdapter(MainActivity.this,list);
public void onFailure(Call<RestResponse> call, Throwable t) {
and in adapter file i was using
holder.tvName.setText(data.get(position).getName());//using recycler & card view
Finally i didnt get any response from above process and iam new to retrofit concept and iam trying this by some online tutorials.
Suggest me the possible changes as per the pojo classes in above code.
you bind a wrong model calss so you just need to change and also Your base url needs to end with "/"
API client
public class ApiClient {
public final String baseUrl="http://services.groupkt.com/";
public static Retrofit retrofit;
public static Retrofit getData() {
if (retrofit == null) {
retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
return retrofit;
in API Interface and MainActivty.show below
API interface
public interface ApiInterface {
Call<RestResponseMain> getData();
ApiInterface apiInterface = ApiClient.getData().create(ApiInterface.class);
Call<RestResponseMain> call = apiInterface.getData();
call.enqueue(new Callback<RestResponseMain>() {
public void onResponse(Call<RestResponseMain> call, Response<RestResponseMain> response) {
List<Result> list = response.body().getResult();
MyRecyclerRetrofitAdapter adapter = new MyRecyclerRetrofitAdapter(MainActivity.this,list);
public void onFailure(Call<RestResponseMain> call, Throwable t) {