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How to make a validation on a calculated field in laravel 5.5

I want to know how to validate the calculated value of a input field .

For example I have a field named birthDate I want to accept the date only if the calculated age from birthDate is less than 16 .

I want to make the validation within a custom Request class

Thank you.


  • Validator::extend('youngerThan', function($attribute, $value, $parameters)
        $maxAge = ( ! empty($parameters)) ? (int) $parameters[0] : 16;
        //return (new DateTime)->diff(new DateTime($value))->y <= $minAge;
        // or the same using Carbon
        $dob = new Carbon\Carbon($value);
        return $dob->age >= $minAge;

    This way you can use the rule for any age you like:

    $rules = ['dob' => 'youngerThan']; 
    $rules = ['dob' => 'youngerThan:15'];