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"Regrouping" data from nested dictionaries

I have a JSON document like this:


Is it possible to get item names grouped by values?

Here's what I want:

a: item1, item2
b: item1, item3

I tried the following, but it didn't work:

l = sorted(l.iteritems())
for key, group in groupby(l,key=lambda x:x['value']):
   print key, group


  • Firstly, that's not JSON.

    Strings in JSON have double, not single quotes, and the unquoted tokens a and b are meaningless in JSON. Assuming that your actual document looks something like this:

      "item1": {
        "value": ["a", "b"],
        "number": 1
      "item2": {
        "value": ["a"],
        "number": 2
      "item3": {
        "value": ["b"],
        "number": 3

    … and you've loaded it into a Python dictionary data, you can get the output you want as follows:

    grouped = {}
    for key, subdict in data.items():
        for value in subdict['value']:
            grouped.setdefault(value, []).append(key)

    Which will leave you with grouped looking like this:

        'a': ['item2', 'item1'],
        'b': ['item3', 'item1']