I would like to quickly switch between different gnu screen sessions (not windows). Right now I can detach from one session with screen -d
and reattach to the next one with screen -r <sessionname>
, but is there not a way to do this in one command? Something like screen -d && screen -r <sessionname>
This is easy enough to do via a utility script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu
set -o pipefail
unset CDPATH
: "${BASH:?bash shell is required}"
screen -ls || true
for s in $(screen -ls | tail -n +2 | head -n -2 | sort -R | cut -f2)
read -n 1 -s -r -p '[y/n] switch to '"$s"'?' REPLY
if [[ "$REPLY" == "y" ]]
screen -DR "$s"
else echo
Save that on your path as cycle-screen
and make it executable. Usage example:
There are screens on:
43094.27 (Detached)
47415.12 (Attached)
54922.31 (Detached)
3 Sockets in /var/folders/r5/7_prvssx301dyz4jz2pbky5w0000gn/T/.screen.
[y/n] switch to 54922.31?
Type y
to enter the screen named in the prompt, or anything else to skip over it. When you leave the screen (via ^a^d
, ^d
, exit
or whatever) you get the prompt for the subsequent screen.