Search code examples

Querying multiple values

I'm trying to filter by multiple values however I can't seem to get an and clause to work (e.g. filter1 and filter 2 ... etc.):

Show me snapshots where the database name is 'testing'

aws rds describe-db-snapshots --include-shared --query 'DBSnapshots[?DBInstanceIdentifier==`testing`].{DBNAME:DBInstanceIdentifier,SNAPSHOT:DBSnapshotIdentifier}'
        "SNAPSHOT": "test1",
        "DBNAME": "testing"
        "SNAPSHOT": "test2",
        "DBNAME": "testing"
        "SNAPSHOT": "test3",
        "DBNAME": "testing"
        "SNAPSHOT": "test4",
        "DBNAME": "testing"

Show me snapshots named 'test1'

$ aws rds describe-db-snapshots --include-shared --query 'DBSnapshots[?DBSnapshotIdentifier==`test1`].{DBNAME:DBInstanceIdentifier,SNAPSHOT:DBSnapshotIdentifier}'
        "SNAPSHOT": "test1",
        "DBNAME": "testing"
        "SNAPSHOT": "test1",
        "DBNAME": "testing2"

Show me snapshots from the database testing that are named test1

aws rds describe-db-snapshots --include-shared --query 'DBSnapshots[?DBInstanceIdentifier==`testing`][?DBSnapshotIdentifier==`test1`].{DBNAME:DBInstanceIdentifier,SNAPSHOT:DBSnapshotIdentifier}'

How can this be achieved?


  • You need to work with the AND expression so something like this will make the trick

    $ aws rds describe-db-snapshots --include-shared \
    --query 'DBSnapshots[?(DBInstanceIdentifier==`testing` && DBSnapshotIdentifier==`test1`)].{DBNAME:DBInstanceIdentifier,SNAPSHOT:DBSnapshotIdentifier}'