I have an application that should use an application role from the database. I'm trying to make this work with queries that are actually run using Subsonic (2). To do this, I created my own DataProvider, which inherits from Subsonic's SqlDataProvider. It overrides the CreateConnection function, and calls sp_appsetrole to set the application role after the connection is created. This part works fine, and I'm able to get data using the application role.
The problem comes when I try to unset the application role. I couldn't find any place in the code where my provider is called after the query is done, so I tried to add my own, by changing SubSonic code. The problem is that Subsonic uses a data reader. It loads data from the data reader, and then closes it.
I can't seem to find a way to close the data reader without closing the connection.
Do you have to use the role for every query?
If not you can use a SharedDbConnectionScope()
using(var scope = new SharedDbConnectionScope())
// within this using block you have a single connection
// that isn't closed until scope.Dispose() is called
// (happens automatically while leaving this block)
// and you have access to scope.CurrentConnection
// Do your init stuff
var product = new Product();
product.Code = "12345";
// Revert to normal