I'm using IEEE754 format to communicate some values via TCP. In this example, I'm converting an int to a byte[], and then using BitConverter to convert it to a float (already in IEEE754 Single format, 32-bits).
I need to take this float and store it into a byte[4], but without going back to its original value (which would not be encoded in the specified format). BitConverter.GetBytes() autommatically does that, which is why I cannot use it.
int volumeInt = (int)(volumeTest);
byte[] volumeTank = new byte[4];
volumeTank[0] = (byte)(volumeInt >> 24);
volumeTank[1] = (byte)(volumeInt >> 16);
volumeTank[2] = (byte)(volumeInt >> 8);
volumeTank[3] = (byte)(volumeInt >> 0);
float volumeFloat = BitConverter.ToSingle(volumeTank, 0);
Any ideas?
Context: The reason I'm doing this is to encode the byte[] as ASCII and include it in a string that will be sent via TCP. It has to be in IEEE-754 format, and it has to be encoded in ASCII. Though the answer I was looking for was only how to convert a float to a byte[].
Given an int : 9876. It can be converted to IEEE754 format as a float: -8.380858E-27. Now, I want this value stored in a byte array, without losing the format and going back to its original value (9876).
Fix the format, let's say you have an agreement about BigEndian. Also here in online hex converter which can help to see the different representation of hex string:
using System;
public class Program
public static void Main()
float f = 9876f;
var bytes = GetBigEndian(f);
Console.WriteLine("{0} => {1}", f, BitConverter.ToString(bytes));
Console.WriteLine("{0} => {1}", f, GetFloatFromBigEndian(bytes));
static byte[] GetBigEndian(float v)
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(v);
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
return bytes;
static float GetFloatFromBigEndian(byte[] bytes)
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
Array.Reverse(bytes); // We have to reverse
return BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, 0);