I have this selection:
let selection = window.getSelection();
And this elementRef:
@ViewChild('contentEditable') public el: ElementRef;
And for example this text is inside the contenteditable elementRef:
This is some text
Where i selected 'some' then lost the selection but saved it in the selection property with getSelection(). How do i set it back on the elementRef?
I was confusing input with contentEditable. With contentEditable you need to use a range to get the selection and set the selection.
To get the selection:
let range = document.createRange();
range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
this.rangeClone = range.cloneRange();
This uses a combination of the Selection and Range objects in Javascript. For more info, read the docs:
To set the selection:
const sel = window.getSelection();
This.el looks like this:
@ViewChild('contentEditable') public el: ElementRef;