I am using a primeng datatable to display some data with editable cells who are triggering a function in the component to calculate values in another column of the row. Pretty simple to this point.
Now i want to mark the editable cells or the whole row as invalid, if the calculation returns a functional invalid data (i.e. decimal number).
I have no idea how to implement this.
I tried it with custom css, but every class i am trying to attach on a p-column has no effect on the row or cell.
This is my datatable:
<p-dataTable #balanceTable [(value)]="denomValueContent" sortable="false" dataKey="id" rowGroupMode="subheader" groupField="valueEach" [sortableRowGroup]="false">
<p-header>ATS name </p-header>
<ng-template class="rowgroupSmall" pTemplate="rowgroupheader" let-rowData>{{rowData['valueEach'] | number:'.2-2'}}</ng-template>
<p-column selectionMode="multiple"></p-column>
<p-column header="Denomination" field="valueEach">
<ng-template let-col let-currentRow="rowData" pTemplate="body">
<div class="textAlignmentRight fontWeightBold">{{currentRow[col.field] | number:'.2-2'}}</div>
<p-column type="number" header="Notes" field="notes">
<ng-template let-col let-notes="rowData" pTemplate="body" let-i="rowIndex">
<input pInputText class="inputDenomField bottomBorder" placeholder="0"
currencyMask [options]="{prefix: '', suffix: '', allowNegative: false, allowZero: true, precision: 0}"
[ngModelOptions]="{standalone:true}" />
<p-column type="number" header="Amount" field="amount">
<ng-template let-col let-currentRow="rowData" pTemplate="body" let-i="rowIndex">
<input placeholder="0.00"
currencyMask [options]="{prefix: '', suffix: '', allowNegative: false, allowZero: true}"
pInputText class="inputDenomField bottomBorder"
<p-column header="Locked"></p-column>
<p-column header="State">
<ng-template pTemplate="body">
The Component:
export class EmptyAtsComponent implements OnInit {
@ViewChild('balanceTable') balanceTable: DataTable;
denomValueContent: DenomValueContent[] = [];
// FIXME: id durch eingeloggten User via AuthGuard ersetzen, hier nur hardcoded zum testen, 0 oder 1 möglich
tellerId = 0;
constructor(private maintellerService: MaintellerService) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.maintellerService.getCounterCloseBalanceById(this.tellerId).then(mainteller => this.setBalance(mainteller));
setBalance(balance: TellerBalance) {
this.denomValueContent = balance.denoms[0].content;
recalculateAmount(index) {
if (this.balanceTable.value[index].amount >= 0) {
this.balanceTable.value[index].notes = this.balanceTable.value[index].amount / this.balanceTable.value[index].valueEach;
} else {
this.balanceTable.value[index].notes = undefined;
this.balanceTable.value[index].amount = undefined;
recalculateNotes(index) {
if (this.balanceTable.value[index].notes >= 0) {
this.balanceTable.value[index].amount = this.balanceTable.value[index].notes * this.balanceTable.value[index].valueEach;
} else {
this.balanceTable.value[index].amount = undefined;
this.balanceTable.value[index].notes = undefined;
Please take note, that there isnt my custom CSS Try implemented in the above code.
Can somebody give me an advice or suggestion, how i can mark the whole row or the cell as invalid i.e. with red borders?
Thank you very much for reading.
You can use rowStyleClass
property for that.
<p-dataTable [value]="cars" [rowStyleClass]="isRowValid" [editable]="true">
where isRowValid
is a function declared in your component which will check if the row is valid or not and return a CSS classname.
isRowValid(rowData: any) {
return (rowData.year<=2010) ? "danger" : "success";
CSS ("danger" and "success" classes)
tr.danger > td {
background-color: red;
tr.success > td {
background-color: green;
Here is a working Plunker.
In that Plunker, the column Year is editable and a row is considered as valid if year field is less or equal than 2010.