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UAC shield icon (BCM_SETSHIELD) not on a button

Following code adds a shield icon to a button:

SendMessage(btn1.Handle, BCM_SETSHIELD, 0, 1);

I've tried the same with checkboxes, radio button groups etc. Nothing works except a button.

Is there a way to add the shield icon to any other control?


  • Is there a way to add the shield icon to any other control?

    If the control in question supports the display of a HICON (e. g. a static control), you can load the standard shield icon by calling LoadIconWithScaleDown with the IDI_SHIELD constant and assign that to the control.

    int cx = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSMICON );
    int cy = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSMICON );
    HICON hShieldIcon = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = LoadIconWithScaleDown( NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDI_SHIELD ), cx, cy, 
                                        &hShieldIcon );
    if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
        // Consult the reference on how to assign the HICON to the control.

    If the control in question does not support assigning a HICON, you could use custom-draw, which is supported by many controls, to draw the icon yourself.