I have a Symfony instance running on Linux with apache y NGINX. I'am starting the project using the built-in server:start
php bin/console server:start
Back to my browser, it loads me the Symfony start page but it also shows me the debug bar.
I have checked the config_dev.yml
file and I think it is correct:
- { resource: config.yml }
resource: '%kernel.project_dir%/app/config/routing_dev.yml'
strict_requirements: true
profiler: { only_exceptions: false }
toolbar: true
intercept_redirects: false
However, if I try to access another route that I don't have, the debug bar is also shown:
You can access the prod env with:
And accessing will give you an error page without the debug bar.
It is designed like this because the Symfony built-in web server is only meant to be used in development not in production. So the default environment is the "dev" one.