I simplified the code and it is like this:
Mat mat = imread("xxx.jpg"); //Successfully read the image, confirmed by cvShowImage.
if (mat.empty())
qDebug() << "Couldn't load image";
Mat cpy = mat.clone();
QImage image(cpy.data, cpy.cols, cpy.rows, cpy.step, QImage::Format_RGB888);
try {
pm = QPixmap::fromImage(image); //crash line
} catch(std::exception const &ex){
however the program just crashed without any debug log.. I've tried many images and the result is same. I tried to find the "stack trace" and it seems give segfault on this..
okay.. just change the conversion code to
QImage image(cpy.data, cpy.cols, cpy.rows, cpy.step, QImage::Format_RGB888);
image = image.rgbSwapped();
solved it. Actually I don't know why this fixed it. Maybe because I should use COLOR_BGR2RGB rather than CV_BGR2RGB..