I'm trying to export the model summary data into excel in a loop. I need to export 2 variables' coefficients (variables gain
& loss
) and I have successfully written the coefficients of the intercept and variable 1, but R tells me the object of the third variable is not found.
My codes: run the model by participant number PID
, PIDs
is the list of PID
for (i in 1: length(PIDs)) {
subject<-df[df$PID == PIDs[i],]
myModel <- glm(gamble~Gain + Loss, data = subject, family=binomial)
summ <- summary(myModel)
#save results
ID[i] <- subject$PID
The coefficients summary table looks like below, I notice that the table is off, as the headers are not corresponding to each column. May be that's the issue?
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 13.4214135 3353.1375049 0.004002643 0.9968064
Gain 0.2929938 0.1635471 1.791494960 0.0732139
Loss 8.3144005 1619.8731372 0.005132748 0.9959047
occurrednumber of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
Error in loss_coef[i] <- summ$coefficients[3, 1] :
object 'loss_coef' not found
What is the issue here? I can get Intercept
and Gain
all fine.
The variables are required to initialized before we store values in the loop.
To initialized:
ID <- 0
intercept_coef <- 0
gain_coef <- 0
loss_coef <- 0