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How do I control the spacing/scaling of geom_text on the y-axis?

I do not know how to control the spacing of the text between "rows" in ggplot2. For example, the function below plots rows of text on an empty grid:

plot_text <- function(rows) {
  tibble(text = sprintf("Line %s", 1:rows), 
         x = 1, 
         y = rev(1:rows)) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
    geom_text(aes(label = text)) +
    theme_void() +
    ylim(-5, rows) #I want to leave some whitespace on the bottom

However, the spacing between each "row" varies according to the number of rows:

plot_text(rows = 5)
plot_text(rows = 10)
plot_text(rows = 20)

How can I lock or control the spacing between rows, so that the text always scales the same, no matter the number of rows?


  • Any attempts that I have made with a variable ylim proved to be inconsistent, so I decided to fix the ylim and conform to that:

    plot_text <- function(rows) {
      if(rows < 1){
        stop ("try again")}
      if(rows == 1){
        g = 20
      } else { g = c(20,20-1*(1:(rows-1)))}
      tibble(text = sprintf("Line %s", 1:rows), 
             x = 1, 
             y = g) %>% 
        ggplot(aes(x, y = y)) +
        geom_text(aes(label = text)) +
        ylim(-5, 20) 
    library(gridExtra)"grid.arrange", c(lapply(1:10, function(x) plot_text(x)), ncol = 5))

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