I am trying to report custom logs from my app to Crashlytics without any crashes. I want to log a particular button action and display it in the Crashlytics dashboard. Is there a way to do this in Crashlytics?
- (void)recordError:(NSError *)error;
- (void)recordError:(NSError *)error withAdditionalUserInfo:(nullable CLS_GENERIC_NSDICTIONARY(NSString *, id) *)userInfo;
Just use the instance of Crashlytics and you can receive your non-fatal issue with the custom error.
Also, you can send additional logs
CLSLog(NSString *format, ...)
And will be helpful to use Answers if you need to see some actions statistic or events.
+ (void)logCustomEventWithName:(NSString *)eventName
customAttributes:(nullable ANS_GENERIC_NSDICTIONARY(NSString *, id) *)customAttributesOrNil;