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Docker image fails to create netlink handle

Can anyone help me make sense of the below error and others like it? I've Googled around, but nothing makes sense for my context. I download my Docker Image, but the container refuses to start. The namespace referenced is not always 26, but could be anything from 20-29. I am launching my Docker container onto an EC2 instance and pulling the image from AWS ECR. The error is persistent no matter if I re-launch the instance completely or restart docker.

docker: Error response from daemon: oci runtime error: 
container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused 
"process_linux.go:334: running prestart hook 0 caused \"error running 
hook: exit status 1, stdout: , stderr: time=\\\"2017-05-
11T21:00:18Z\\\" level=fatal msg=\\\"failed to create a netlink handle: 
failed to set into network namespace 26 while creating netlink socket: 
invalid argument\\\" \\n\"".


  • Update from my Github issue:

    It seems like the DeepSecurity agent (ds_agent) running on a container with Docker can cause this issue invariably. A number of other users reported this problem, causing me to investigate. I previously installed ds_agent on these boxes, before replacing it with other software as a business decision, which is when the problem went away. If you are having this problem, might be worthwhile to check if you are running the ds_agent process, or other similar services that could be causing a conflict using 'htop' as the user in the issue above did.