I'm working on a SceneKit project. If I make a superficial edit to a dae (COLLADA file), say editing the scale of a node, Xcode is unable to save it, with the message
"The document "name.dae" could not be saved"
Editing and saving code files works as normal. I've tried this with multiple .daes in different projects, even .daes I've edited with Xcode 8 with no issues before and the problem is identical.
EDIT: Solved for myself
I installed Xcode beta 5 on a new machine. On that machine, this problem went away, and so did another one, related to Xcode beta 5 not finding a Framework correctly. I don't have a generalized, reproducible solution here, so I don't think I should be marking this as resolved. Perhaps re-installing Xcode is the solution.
I solved this by reinstalling Xcode megashrug