On my win-10 machine, dired shows this:
drwxr-xr-x 58 jkb jkb 4096 Nov 5 11:08 ..
drwxr-xr-x 6 jkb jkb 4096 Nov 6 09:34 .
Where the .. entry comes first. How do I modify the installation to change it back to this:
drwxr-xr-x 6 jkb jkb 4096 Nov 6 09:34 .
drwxr-xr-x 58 jkb jkb 4096 Nov 5 11:08 ..
It is not a big issue, except that on my mint 18 machine it shows the traditional order. Uniformity would be good.
Many thanks for pointers and advice.
[See the first comment to this question for the answer]
Formal answer:
I can solve my issue by setting ls-lisp-UCA-like-collation to nil:
'(ls-list-UCA-like-collation nil)
in the customize section of my .emacs file or via the customize menus.
The change has the side-effect of changing the ordering of the cygwin home directory, the ~/.* files come first now.
There may be another option to fix that, if it is important.
Note that this is an issue with dired on emacs, using ls-lisp.