I have a script that will run against an Excel file for a list of printers as well as the the listed print server.
The issue I cant figure out is how to add multiple printers to multiple print servers without having an Excel sheet with 200 lines.
I would like to have the print servers listed in the Powershell script and have the foreach
command go through each server listed dynamically.
Here is the code I have so far. I am trying to get the $server
to be able to have a list of servers and change the part in the function to the next server on the list.
I attached an example of what the .csv formatting looks like. example of the formatting of the .csv file Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
function CreatePrinter {
$server = $args[0]
$print = ([WMICLASS]"\\$server\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_Printer").createInstance()
$print.drivername = $args[1]
$print.PortName = $args[2]
$print.Shared = $false
$print.Sharename = $args[3]
$print.Location = $args[4]
$print.Comment = $args[5]
$print.DeviceID = $args[6]
function CreatePrinterPort {
$server = $args[0]
$port = ([WMICLASS]"\\$server\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_TCPIPPrinterPort").createInstance()
$port.Name= $args[1]
$port.HostAddress= $args[2]
$printers = Import-Csv C:\test\NewPrinters.csv
foreach ($printer in $printers) {
CreatePrinterPort $printer.Printserver $printer.Portname $printer.IPAddress
CreatePrinter $printer.Printserver $printer.Driver $printer.Portname
$printer.Sharename $printer.Location $printer.Comment $printer.Printername
No need to reinvent the wheel when you can use the existing commands for printer management.
and Add-Printer
will what you want:
foreach ($printer in $printers) {
Add-PrinterPort -ComputerName $printer.Printserver -Name $printer.Portname -PrinterHostAddress $printer.IPAddress
Add-Printer -ComputerName $printer.Printserver -Name $printer.Printername -DriverName $printer.Driver -Shared -ShareName $printer.Sharename -PortName $printer.Portname -Comment $printer.Comment -Location $printer.Location
For multiple servers:
$servers = "printserver01","printserver02","printserver03"
foreach ($server in $servers) {
foreach ($printer in $printers) {
Add-PrinterPort -ComputerName $server -Name $printer.Portname -PrinterHostAddress $printer.IPAddress
Add-Printer -ComputerName $server -Name $printer.Printername -DriverName $printer.Driver -Shared -ShareName $printer.Sharename -PortName $printer.Portname -Comment $printer.Comment -Location $printer.Location