I am currently writing a material-UI reason-react binding and I want to know how I can re-use previously define Props.
The Select component spreads all of the Input props into itself, in the underlying react-js lib. this is done by spreading props however this is discouraged in ReasonML as typings are lost.
As a temporary solution, I have copied the props from one to another but this is not scalable. I would appreciate if someone could suggest what is the correct way of doing this in Reason-React?
Input module definiton:
module Input = {
[@bs.module "material-ui/Input"] external reactClass : ReasonReact.reactClass = "default";
let make =
~disableUnderline: option(bool)=?,
~disabled: option(bool)=?,
~error: option(bool)=?,
~autoFocus: option(bool)=?,
~fullWidth: option(bool)=?,
~style: option(ReactDOMRe.style)=?,
~value: option(string)=?,
~onChange: option((ReactEventRe.Form.t => unit))=?,
~placeholder: option(string)=?,
~className: option(string)=?,
~inputType: option(string)=?,
) =>
"disableUnderline": unwrap_bool(disableUnderline),
"disabled": unwrap_bool(disabled),
"error": unwrap_bool(error),
"fullWidth": unwrap_bool(fullWidth),
"autoFocus": unwrap_bool(autoFocus),
"style": from_opt(style),
"placeholder": from_opt(placeholder),
"className": from_opt(className),
"type": from_opt(inputType),
"value": from_opt(value),
"onChange": from_opt(onChange)
Select module definiton:
module Select = {
[@bs.module "material-ui/Select"] external reactClass : ReasonReact.reactClass = "default";
let make =
~autoWidth: option(bool)=?,
~classes: option(Js.t({..}))=?,
~className: option(string)=?,
~displayEmpty: option(bool)=?,
~input: option(ReasonReact.reactElement)=?,
~inputClasses: option(Js.t({..}))=?,
~native: option(bool)=?,
~multiple: option(bool)=?,
~menuProps: option(Js.t({..}))=?,
~renderValue: option((unit => unit)),
~value: option('a)=?,
~style: option(ReactDOMRe.style)=?,
/* Input Props*/
~disableUnderline: option(bool)=?,
~disabled: option(bool)=?,
~error: option(bool)=?,
~autoFocus: option(bool)=?,
~fullWidth: option(bool)=?,
~value: option(string)=?,
~onChange: option((ReactEventRe.Form.t => unit))=?,
~placeholder: option(string)=?,
~className: option(string)=?,
~inputType: option(string)=?,
) =>
"autoWidth": unwrap_bool(autoWidth),
"classes": from_opt(classes),
"className": from_opt(className),
"displayEmpty": unwrap_bool(displayEmpty),
"input": from_opt(input),
"InputClasses": from_opt(inputClasses),
"native": unwrap_bool(native),
"multiple": unwrap_bool(multiple),
"MenuProps": from_opt(menuProps),
"renderValue": from_opt(renderValue),
"value": from_opt(value),
"style": from_opt(style),
/* Input Props*/
"disableUnderline": unwrap_bool(disableUnderline),
"disabled": unwrap_bool(disabled),
"error": unwrap_bool(error),
"fullWidth": unwrap_bool(fullWidth),
"autoFocus": unwrap_bool(autoFocus),
"style": from_opt(style),
"placeholder": from_opt(placeholder),
"className": from_opt(className),
"type": from_opt(inputType),
"value": from_opt(value),
"onChange": from_opt(onChange)
You can use currying and Js.Obj.assign
to achieve this:
let common = (reactClass, props, ~commonProp1, ~commonProp2, children) =>
~props=Js.Obj.assign(props, {
"commonProp1": commonProp1,
"commonProp2": commonProp2
module Input = {
[@bs.module "material-ui/Input"] external reactClass : ReasonReact.reactClass = "default";
let make = (~inputProp1, ~inputProp2) => common(reactClass, {
"inputProp1": inputProp1,
"inputProp2": inputProp2
module Select = {
[@bs.module "material-ui/Select"] external reactClass : ReasonReact.reactClass = "default";
let make = (~selectProp1, ~selectProp2) => common(reactClass, {
"selectProp1": selectProp1,
"selectProp2": selectProp2
In each make
function common
is partially applied, and due to currying will "extend" the make function with its own arguments. In effect, the type signature of e.g. Input.make
will be ~inputProp1 => ~inputProp2 => ~commonProp1 => ~commonProp2 => ...