I am trying to fill cells from D3 to AH30 with "1".And I have dates in D1 to AH1 cells . But I do not need to fill the cells with "1" if corresponding cell in first row has a weekend date in it.
I tried below code. But its filling "1" in all cells including weekend days
Function CheckWeekday_and_fill()
Dim dDate As Date
dDate = Range("D1").Value
For row = 3 To 30 ' rows for cells with date in it
For col = 4 To 34 ' cols for cells with date in it
Select Case Weekday(dDate)
Case vbSaturday, vbSunday
Cells(row, col).Value = " "
Case Else
Cells(row, col).Value = "1"
End Select
dDate = dDate + 1
Next col
Next row
End Function
Try this:
Function CheckWeekday_and_fill()
Dim dDate As Date
For row = 3 To 30 ' rows for cells with date in it
For col = 4 To 34 ' cols for cells with date in it
dDate = Cells(1, col).Value
Select Case Weekday(dDate)
Case vbSaturday, vbSunday
Cells(row, col).Value = " "
Case Else
Cells(row, col).Value = "1"
End Select
Next col
Next row
End Function