1 ) I have to make json from oracle select query which has three approach i can follow .
SELECT JSON_ARRAY(json_object('id' VALUE employee_id,
'data_clob' VALUE data_clob
)) from tablename;
also i have tried with this approach
2) If you are unable to patch/work with that version there is an excellent package written by Lewis Cunningham and Jonas Krogsboell: PL/JSON * http://pljson.sourceforge.net/
It's an excellent package (I have used it in numerous database installations).
The examples included are good and cover most scenarios.
ret json;
ret := json_dyn.executeObject('select * from tab');
Mention In this answer too but not work for such big clob. Return results of a sql query as JSON in oracle 12c
3) The other approach can be we can concatenate the string after the select query.
FOR rec IN (SELECT employee_id, data_clob
FROM tablename) LOOP
IF i <> 1 THEN
v_result := v_result || ',';
v_result := v_result || '{"employee_id":' || to_char(rec.employee_id) || ',"data_clob": ' || rec.data_clob || '}';
i := i + 1;
v_result := v_result || ']}';
3 approach solve my problem but i don't want to run for loop . Is there is any solution in oracle to handle this .
I check for solution but that don't work without for loop.
url has provide some solution , i tried this but not working .Same issue is coming.
ORA-22835: Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion (actual: 57416, maximum: 4000)
Could you able to tell me how it can be done ?
Since version 12.2 you can do this:
'body' value v_clob
returning clob
from dual;
Original answer (for before version 12.2):
In answer to this question:
3 approach solve my problem but i don't want to run for loop . Is there is any solution in oracle to handle this .
Strings can be concatenated without looping by using Oracle's LISTAGG
SELECT '{"employees":[' || LISTAGG('{"employee_id":' || to_char(employee_id)
|| ',"data_clob":"' || data_clob || '"}', ',')
WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY employee_id) || ']}' AS json
FROM tablename;
However, as you've pointed out in the comments, LISTAGG
has a limit of 4000 characters. The following is more complex/fiddly but should cope beyond this limit:
SELECT '{"employees":[' || dbms_xmlgen.convert(
RTRIM(XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(E,'{"employee_id":' || to_char(employee_id)
|| ',"data_clob":"' || data_clob || '"}',',')
.EXTRACT('//text()') ORDER BY employee_id).GetClobVal(),',')
, 1) || ']}' AS json
FROM tablename;
handles CLOB
s but the EXTRACT
function has the side-effect of escaping certain characters (e.g. from "
to "
). The query above converts these back (e.g. from "
to "
) using the dbms_xmlgen.convert
function - see this answer for further details.
SQL Fiddle demo: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/5b295/40