Using Heroku with the Postgresql add-on. Upon reviewing my logs, it seems postgresql is logging every ... single ... transaction. I understand you can set the log level by doing something like (
ALTER DATABASE my_database SET log_statement=error;
However, Heroku says
ERROR: permission denied to set parameter "log_statement"
Note that might be a possible duplicate of how to turn off Heroku SQL logs from postgres but they never addressed how to get around the Heroku permissions. (Should I start a bounty on that ticket or keep this one?)
How do I modify the Heroku Postgresql logging levels?
Folowing Get DB owner's name in PostgreSql
pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba) as "Owner"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d
I get the following result
Name Owner
d7c0sfp134dmml u2mqn7a68c982v
postgres postgres
template0 postgres
template1 postgres
ALTER DATABASE d7c0sfp134dmml SET log_statement = error;
Results in
ERROR: permission denied to set parameter "log_statement" Query failed PostgreSQL said: permission denied to set parameter "log_statement"
As of August 8th 2017, Heroku Postgres now offers the ability to change this via the PGSettings
feature. For example the command to log all statements on a standard-0
or above (no hobby plans) would be:
heroku pg:settings:log-statement all postgresql-large-1234 -a sushi