I try to get dinamicaly the name of the fields and then it fails. It works if I write the name between quotes.
var elms = this.getElementsInfo('select');
var name1 = elms[0].attributes.name;
var name2 = elms[1].attributes.name;
utils.dump(name1); // "tb|2564"
utils.dump(name2); // "tb|19"
This works:
this.fill('form#tbsa', {
"tb|2564": 10,
"tb|19": 15
}, true);
This fails:
this.fill('form#tbsa', {
name1: 10,
name2: 15
}, true);
Anybody knows why? Thanks, - Albin
You can't do it in the way you do at the moment, because this will set the values of the properties name1
and name2
If you want to to it by the parameter names in a variable you have to create the object first.
This would be following code:
var foo = {};
foo[name1] = 10;
foo[name2] = 15;
this.fill('form#tbsa', foo, true);