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I have an issue with saving date and time?

    var timezone = jstz.determine_timezone();
    document.getElementById("clientTimeZone").value = clientTimeZone

Using the Above Code in gsp to get the current timeZone of User but it is not working properly?.

Actually server is north Virginia , on saving i getting an +6:30 hours issue .But in local it's working properly .

Below code is used in Services.

 def  clientTimeZone = clientTimeZone == null  ? "Asia/Kolkata" : clientTimeZone
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(clientTimeZone);
def clientDateFormate = new SimpleDateFormat('dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm a')


  • I solved it.

    I was able to save it correctly be using the UTC date/time in milliseconds, rather than a specific time zone.

    To load the date/time I simply formatted it as a UTC date/tine in milliseconds, and it worked perfectly.

    Issue solved :)