This is the code i have made and whatever the score is the output is always "Grade: ", I want it to output a letter equevalent but it will not. I have tried using commas but nothing seems to work. I have tied looking around but cannot find a answer to my problem.
score = input
grade = ""
if score == "5":
grade == "A"
if score == "4":
grade == "B"
if score == "3":
grade == "C"
if score == "2":
grade == "D"
if score == "1":
grade = "E"
if score == "0":
grade == "F"
print("Grade:" + grade)
You need to :
1- use one operator =
to assign.
2- Assign a value to score
via input()
score = input("enter the score (0-5):")
grade = ""
if score == "5":
grade = "A"
if score == "4":
grade = "B"
if score == "3":
grade = "C"
if score == "2":
grade = "D"
if score == "1":
grade = "E"
if score == "0":
grade = "F"
print("Grade:" + grade)