I am experiencing an annoying problem testing the newest iOS 11 on the iPhone X simulator.
I have an UITabBarController
and inside each tab there is a UINavigationController
, each UINavigationBar
has defined also a bottom toolBar (setToolbarHidden:
), and by default they show up at the bottom, just over the tabBar.
It has been working fine so far and seems to work fine also in the upcomming iPhone 8 and 8 Plus models, but on the iPhone X there is a gap between the toolBar and the tabBar. My guess is that the toolBar doesn't realize that is displayed inside a tabBar and then leaves the accommodating space at the bottom.
I guess the only way to fix it would be using a custom toolbar and display/animate it myself instead of using the defaults UINavigationBar
, but I would like to hear other options :)
I filed this as radr://problem/34421298, which was closed as a duplicate of radr://problem/34462371. However, in the latest beta of Xcode 9.2 (9C32c) with iOS 11.2, this seems to be fixed. Here's an example of my app running in the simulator of each device, with no changes in between.
This isn't really a solution to your problem, other than that some patience may solve it without needing to resort to UI trickery. My assumption is that iOS 11.2 will be out before the end of the year, since it's needed to support HomePod.