I try to format the current time in 2 locations: Chicago and Tokyo
LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now();
ZonedDateTime chicago = now.atZone(ZoneId.of("America/New_York"));
System.out.println("chicago: " + chicago);
System.out.println("Chicago formated: " + chicago.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime(FormatStyle.FULL)));
ZonedDateTime tokyo = now.atZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Tokyo"));
System.out.println("Tokyo: " + tokyo);
System.out.println("Tokyo formated: " + tokyo.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime(FormatStyle.FULL)));
The print out:
chicago: 2017-11-05T18:19:01.441-05:00[America/New_York]
Chicago formated: 6:19:01 PM EST
Tokyo: 2017-11-05T18:19:01.441+09:00[Asia/Tokyo]
Tokyo formated: 6:19:01 PM JST
6:19:01 PM printed for both Chicago and Tokyo. Why?
Thanks Andreas for make the above code work. Following your logic I try to make this work:
LocalDateTime PCTime = LocalDateTime.now();//Chicago: 7:51:54 PM
ZonedDateTime newYorkTime = PCTime.atZone(ZoneId.of("America/New_York"));
System.out.println("now: " + newYorkTime);
System.out.println("now fmt: " + newYorkTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime(FormatStyle.FULL)));
ZonedDateTime newYorkTime0 = newYorkTime.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("America/New_York"));
System.out.println("N.Y. fmt: " + newYorkTime0.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime(FormatStyle.FULL)));
The output:
now: 2017-11-05T19:51:54.940-05:00[America/New_York]
now fmt: 7:51:54 PM EST
N.Y. fmt: 7:51:54 PM EST
The last line should be N.Y. fmt: 8:51:54 PM EST
means: Take this local time and consider it to be the local time in this time zone.
That means that 6:19 PM "local time" in Chicago is ... 6:19 PM in time zone EST, and that 6:19 PM "local time" in Tokyo is ... 6:19 PM in time zone JST.
When you call LocalDateTime.now()
, you get the local time in your current default time zone, but the returned value don't know what time zone that is. As the javadoc says:
This class does not store or represent a time-zone. Instead, it is a description of the date, as used for birthdays, combined with the local time as seen on a wall clock. It cannot represent an instant on the time-line without additional information such as an offset or time-zone.
If you want to take the current real time and see what it is in Chicago and Tokyo, then you need to use either a universal time (Instant
) or a time that know what time zone it represents (ZonedDateTime
Using Instant
Instant now = Instant.now();
ZonedDateTime chicago = now.atZone(ZoneId.of("America/New_York"));
System.out.println("Chicago: " + chicago);
System.out.println("Chicago formatted: " + chicago.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime(FormatStyle.FULL)));
ZonedDateTime tokyo = now.atZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Tokyo"));
System.out.println("Tokyo: " + tokyo);
System.out.println("Tokyo formatted: " + tokyo.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime(FormatStyle.FULL)));
Chicago: 2017-11-05T20:02:45.444-05:00[America/New_York]
Chicago formatted: 8:02:45 PM EST
Tokyo: 2017-11-06T10:02:45.444+09:00[Asia/Tokyo]
Tokyo formatted: 10:02:45 AM JST
Using ZonedDateTime
ZonedDateTime now = ZonedDateTime.now();
ZonedDateTime chicago = now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("America/New_York"));
System.out.println("Chicago: " + chicago);
System.out.println("Chicago formatted: " + chicago.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime(FormatStyle.FULL)));
ZonedDateTime tokyo = now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("Asia/Tokyo"));
System.out.println("Tokyo: " + tokyo);
System.out.println("Tokyo formatted: " + tokyo.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime(FormatStyle.FULL)));
Chicago: 2017-11-05T20:04:19.368-05:00[America/New_York]
Chicago formatted: 8:04:19 PM EST
Tokyo: 2017-11-06T10:04:19.368+09:00[Asia/Tokyo]
Tokyo formatted: 10:04:19 AM JST