I'm getting started with celery and I want to know if it is possible to add modules to celeryd processes that have already been started. In other words, instead of adding modules via celeryconfig.py as in
CELERY_IMPORTS = ("tasks", "additional_module" )
before starting the workers, I want to make additional_module available later somehow after the worker processes have started.
thanks in advance.
You can achieve your goal by starting a new celeryd with an expanded import list and eventually gracefully shutting down your old worker (after it's finished its current jobs).
Because of the asynchronous nature of getting jobs pushed to you and only marking them done after celery has finished its work, you won't actually miss any work doing it this way. You should be able to run the celery workers on the same machine - they'll simply show up as new connections to RabbitMQ (or whatever queue backend you use).