I have two tables, producers and skis. Producers have their ID, and each model of skis knows the ID of its producer, each model also has a type, which is not unique among skis. I need to select all types that are produced by all of the producers (regardless of models). I wrote a query:
select type
from skis s
where not exists (
select name from producers p
select name
from producers p
where (p.name=s.producer)
It only works when I have 1 ski and one producer. What is a good way to do that?
EDIT for clarification: in the producer table, the column 'name' is their ID, and in the ski table the producers ID column is 'producer'.
Count the number of producers per type and compare with the total number of producers:
select type
from skis
group by type
having count(distinct producer) = (select count(*) from producers);