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Which commands are needed to set at top of the .vimrc file?

My question is pretty clear in title, isn't it? Actually I'm writing my .vimrc and I want to know which commands should be set at the top of a .vimrc file? (like :set nocp that it needs be be first in a .vimrc file (according to its help file))


  • Personally, I have set nocompatible, then Vundle stuff (according to its docs), then just sets in alphabetic order and other commands. (By the way, 1928 lines that accumulated in my .vimrc over years work pretty well even after resourcing without any particular effort for that. I use indentation for sections, subsections, etc. to keep the config manageable.)

    There are no mandatory commands, since if something must always be done for everyone, then this is not a part of a config.

    In general, just write what you need step-by-step and fix any incompatibilities when they show up.