I am a beginner in programming, and I have a project involving the use of tesseract. I added my tesseract folder to the build path to use it, I tested it with a common prompt to see the options offered by the program:
C:\Users\Asus_01>tesseract --help
And it does work.
Now, I add an image in that very same tesseract folder, the famous eurotext.png file (it's a 100% sure readable file for tesseract). I enter the the following command prompt:
tesseract eurotext.png out
As the image is in the very same directory as the tesseract.exe it should be no problem right?
I get this message:
C:\Users\Asus_01>tesseract eurotext.png out
Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.05.01 with Leptonica
Error in fopenReadStream: file not found
Error in findFileFormat: image file not found
Error during processing.
Same problem if I try to indicate the exact path for the image:
C:\Users\Asus_01>tesseract C:\Users\Asus_01\Documents\Tesserac OCR project pack\
Tesseract-OCR\eurotext.png out
It is really frustrating because I found no hints of the reason why by searching on stackoverflow. I guess it's a simple mistake. Anyone?
Based on your command, the image file should be in the current directory, which is C:\Users\Asus_01>
, not Tesseract installation directory. When you specify the full path to the image, if the path contains space characters, it will need to be in quotation marks, such as:
C:\Users\Asus_01>tesseract "C:\Users\Asus_01\Documents\Tesserac OCR project pack\
Tesseract-OCR\eurotext.png" out