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Ionic 3 - FAB - Floating Action Button - <ion-fab> Complete list of possible position attributes

I've seen various examples/looked in various places...:

But I've yet to see a definitive list of all the possible attributes for placement locations/size etc you can assign as attributes to a <ion-fab>.

Can someone either list them, or point me to where I can see them.

Many thanks in advance. ;-)



    • @property [top] - Places the container on the top of the content
    • @property [bottom] - Places the container on the bottom of the content
    • @property [left] - Places the container on the left
    • @property [right] - Places the container on the right
    • @property [middle] - Places the container on the middle vertically
    • @property [center] - Places the container on the center horizontally
    • @property [edge] - Used to place the container between the content and the header/footer