Can I use a list of Traversal? The following code:
f::[Int] -> [[Int]]
f l = [l & i .~ 1 | i<-[ix 0], (l^? i) == Just 0]
produces an error:
• Couldn't match type ‘Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) [Int]’
with ‘Identity [Int]’
Expected type: ASetter [Int] [Int] Int Integer
Actual type: Getting (Data.Monoid.First Int) [Int] Int
• In the first argument of ‘(.~)’, namely ‘i’
In the second argument of ‘(&)’, namely ‘i .~ 1’
In the expression: l & i .~ 1
Looking at this question I think I need somehow to explicitly give a type to i, but every my attempt fails.
The problem is not in specifying type explicitly. Every time you want to have a container of lenses or traversals (lens inside pair, lens inside list, lens inside Maybe
) you need to use ReifiedLens
See this question for explanation:
Why do we need Control.Lens.Reified?
So your example should be written like this:
import Control.Lens
f :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
f l = [ l & i .~ 1
| Traversal i <- [Traversal $ ix 0]
, l ^? i == Just 0
Note that here
is a constructor of typeReifiedTraversal
And it works like this:
ghci> f [0,0,0]