I need to define two versions of an operation with a slightly different definition. It is a series of compositions with Nat indices involved.
open import Data.Nat
data Hom : ℕ → ℕ → Set where
id : (m : ℕ) → Hom m m
_∘_ : ∀ {m n k} → Hom n k → Hom m n → Hom m k
p : (n : ℕ) → Hom (suc n) n
p1 : (m n : ℕ) → Hom (m + n) n
p1 zero n = id n
p1 (suc m) n = p1 m n ∘ p (m + n)
p2 : (m n : ℕ) → Hom (m + n) n
p2 zero n = id n
p2 (suc m) n = {!!} -- p n ∘ p2 m (1 + n)
-- Goal: Hom (suc (m + n)) n
-- Have: Hom (m + suc n) n
I would like to define both p1
and p2
and be able to use them interchangeably. Is this doable?
You can define p2
by direct recursion (no subst
or rewriting) over _+_
using the trick described here. Looks like this:
record Homable (H : ℕ → ℕ → Set) : Set where
id-able : (m : ℕ) → H m m
_∘-able_ : ∀ {m n k} → H n k → H m n → H m k
p-able : (n : ℕ) → H (suc n) n
suc-homable : ∀ {H} → Homable H → Homable (λ m n -> H (suc m) (suc n))
suc-homable homable = record
{ id-able = λ m → id-able (suc m)
; _∘-able_ = _∘-able_
; p-able = λ m → p-able (suc m)
} where open Homable homable
p2-go : ∀ {H} → Homable H → (m : ℕ) → H m 0
p2-go homable zero = id-able 0 where
open Homable homable
p2-go homable (suc m) = p-able 0 ∘-able p2-go (suc-homable homable) m where
open Homable homable
plus-homable-hom : ∀ k → Homable (λ m n → Hom (m + k) (n + k))
plus-homable-hom k = record
{ id-able = λ n → id (n + k)
; _∘-able_ = _∘_
; p-able = λ n → p (n + k)
p2 : (m n : ℕ) → Hom (m + n) n
p2 m n = p2-go (plus-homable-hom n) m
The cost is that you need to maintain those Homable
records which is somewhat tedious, but to my experience proving things about functions defined this way is simpler than about functions defined in terms of subst
or over _+′_
(unless you never want to coerce _+′_
to _+_
, of course).