I'm building a proper extension for the management of real estate, I would like to use the added "Image Metadata" field "Show in list view" as the extension tx_news does.
I can build this option in exactly as tx_news does but in case the site instalation uses both extensions, does this cause a conflict ? ( I'd use the same field name showinpreview
Should I use a different field name to avoid trouble?
( I plan to use this feature in the exact same fashion, so I can easily share the use of the field in the "sys_file_reference" table ... if there was no other conflict there could be the case that an image was used in both extensions and the selection would be determined by one of the two extensions for both or do I misunderstand something here... )
anybody did experiments with this and can avoid me the trouble ?
I never had this use case but both ways are possible. - use the same field: less code needed but your extension depends on news - new field: also fine