I am struggling to set timeout option for SFTP connection using paramiko library.
if i am moving 10GB file, after a period of time the process got stopped with out any error.There is no script issues. after I found the server got disconnected so only the file upload process not completed successfully.
can any one know how to set timeout parameter using paramiko SFTP client.?
s3_conn = S3Connection(profile_name=dest_profile)
bucket = s3_conn.get_bucket(tgt_bucket_nm)
proxy = paramiko.proxy.ProxyCommand('/usr/bin/nc --proxy proxy_host:8080 %s %s' % (ftp_host, ftp_port) )
transport = paramiko.Transport(proxy)
transport.connect(username=ftp_username, password=ftp_password)
ftp_conn = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
Could you please let me know if any one need more clarification of my question.
Thanks in advance
you can set the timeout for the channel using below line
time is in seconds