I successfully implemented the tutorial to get an Azure Function working with a Google Drive Spreadsheet. The sample code returns all the items in the file. I want to return a single row by applying a fliter. Is it possible? I tested the following code and it's not working:
`Query query = Query.Parse("$filter=Id eq 5");
var list = await inputTable.ListEntitiesAsync(query);`
However, this other code works, as it returns only the first 50 items:
`Query query = Query.Parse("$top=50");
var list = await inputTable.ListEntitiesAsync(query);`
Perhaps filtering is not implemented yet? I am aware that External Tables are Experimental, so if it's not possible, it is OK, and then I can do a workaround.
Thanks in advance!
Does not appear anything but “$top” has been implemented with Google Sheets query. You can see details here - the operation the Functions is exposing here is List Rows