I have an Access database and I'm querying the employee table. The last names of new employees have an asterisk appended to the end (ex: Bob Smith*). In my query I am trying to remove the asterisk and load the employee names into a ComboBox. However, the ComboBox remains blank. If I run the query within Access itself, it produces the expected results.
Database Structure:
Here's the relevant code:
Public Class frmMain
Dim data As DataSet
Private Sub frmMain_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'load data from master database
data = New DataSet
Dim a As New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT LEFT(Last_Name_String, LEN(Last_Name_String)-1), First_Name_String FROM Basic_Employee_Information_Table", "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" &
a.Fill(data, "Employees")
For Each item In data.Tables("Employees").Rows
cboEmployee.Items.Add(item("Last_Name_String") & ", " & item("First_Name_String"))
End Sub
Your query is not returning anything called "Last_Name_string". Use an alias:
SELECT LEFT(Last_Name_String, LEN(Last_Name_String)-1) as Last_Name_String,