Python and web2py newbie here - I am trying to forward user input (e-mail address and a file) via e-mail, once a user has uploaded the information on a website. The user-provided-information is stored in a database but it is yet over my head to fetch the file from the database and forward it via e-mail. Any pointers much appreciated!
This is my controller action-
def careers():
form = SQLFORM(db.cv_1, formstyle='bootstrap3_stacked')
for label in form.elements('label'):
label["_style"] = "display:none;"
form.custom.submit.attributes['_value'] = 'Submit CV'
if form.process().accepted:
applicant = str(
mail.send(to=['[email protected]'], message= applicant + ' new CV', subject='CV submission', attachment=mail.Attachment('/path/to/file'))
return dict(form=form)
This is the database model
db.define_table('cv_1', Field('email',
requires=IS_EMAIL(error_message='Please provide your e-mail'),
widget=widget(_placeholder='Your e-mail (required)',_readonly=False)),
Field('cv', 'upload', autodelete=True, requires=[IS_LENGTH(1048576,1024),
The transformed filename of the uploaded file will be in
(this is the value stored in the
field in the database). You can use that along with the field's .retrieve
method to get either the full file path or the file object itself:
original_filename, filepath =
mail.send(to=['[email protected]'], message=applicant + ' new CV',
subject='CV submission',
attachment=mail.Attachment(filepath, original_filename))