i'm using bootstrap-select in a form with several selects, but i clone or create new selects with new ids and same class and use:
$(".selectpicker").selectpicker("render"); or
and the new selects doesn't get updated, i also try cloning both normal select and created bootstrap-select change ids and data-id and $(".selectpicker").selectpicker("refresh");
but this doesn't work.
How can this be done.
This is the basic HTML, basically i'm using Django formset, here i have a form with a table, each row is a new form instance with inputs and selects.
<tr class="dynamic-form">
<td class="" style="text-align: center">
<input type="number" name="caracteristicas-0-ORDER" value="1" id="id_caracteristicas-0-ORDER">
<td class="" style="text-align: center">
<select name="caracteristicas-0-caract" data-live-search="true" class="form-control selectpicker" id="id_caracteristicas-0-caract" style="display: none;">
<option value="1" selected="">Nombre</option>
<option value="2">Ref</option>
<option value="3">Modelo</option>
The Javascript is basically this:
---- onClickButton ----
row = tr.clone(true); <----- this was the problem
/* clear values, change id's, etc. */
After reading all library code, the problem was in this line:
row = tr.clone(true);
When you use clone(true)
you get a copy of the element AND all events handlers etc. You need to get a clean copy of the element structure only.
So the solution is:
row = tr.clone();