I'm trying to implement a code that lists all possible combinations of a Knapsack problem using recursion. I have difficulty with recursion. I tried to solve it and got nothing, so I did some research and I found a code in Java Python, but I'm having a hard time trying to rewrite that code in C++.
Here is the solution code, in Java Python:
items = [1,1,3,4,5]
knapsack = []
limit = 7
def print_solutions(current_item, knapsack, current_sum):
#if all items have been processed print the solution and return:
if current_item == len(items):
print knapsack
#don't take the current item and go check others
print_solutions(current_item + 1, list(knapsack), current_sum)
#take the current item if the value doesn't exceed the limit
if (current_sum + items[current_item] <= limit):
current_sum += items[current_item]
#current item taken go check others
print_solutions(current_item + 1, knapsack, current_sum )
I found that code in this link
Here is what I tried to do..
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void AddItem(int item, int *knapsack) {
int i = 0;
while (knapsack[i] != -1)
knapsack[i] = item;
void printKnapsack(int *knapsack, int n) {
cout << "[";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (knapsack[i] != -1)
cout << knapsack[i] << ",";
void print_solutions(int current_item, int *knapsack, int current_sum, int *items, int n, int limit) {
//if all items have been processed print the solution and return
if (current_item == n - 1) {
printKnapsack(knapsack, n);
//don't take the current item and go check others
print_solutions(current_item + 1, knapsack, current_sum, items, n, limit);
//take the current item if the value doesn't exceed the limit
if (current_sum + items[current_item] <= limit) {
AddItem(items[current_item], knapsack);
current_sum += items[current_item];
//current item taken go check others
print_solutions(current_item + 1, knapsack, current_sum, items, n, limit);
int main() {
int current_item = 0;
int current_sum = 0;
int limit, n;
cout << "Type the maximum weight ";
cin >> limit;
cout << "How many items? ";
cin >> n;
int* knapsack;
knapsack = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
knapsack[i] = -1;
int * items;
items = new int[n];
cout << "Type weights.";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> items[i];
print_solutions(0, knapsack, 0, items, n, limit);
return 0;
With the input:
7 // limit
5 // number of items
1 1 3 4 5 // items
I expect to get the following final result:
[3, 4]
[1, 5]
[1, 4]
[1, 3]
[1, 5]
[1, 4]
[1, 3]
[1, 1]
[1, 1, 5]
[1, 1, 4]
[1, 1, 3]
But all I get is arrays filled with 3 and 4 instead of getting all actual solutions.
There is a major issue in your transcription of the algorithm from python to C++ related to the language semantics related to parameter passing.
When in python you write the following:
print_solutions(current_item + 1, list(knapsack), current_sum)
Then list(knapsack)
is a copy from the knapsack
list. So the recursive call in the middle leaves the original knapsack
unchanged, whereas the second recursive call changes the original knapsack
print_solutions(current_item + 1, knapsack, current_sum)
In your C++ code however, in both case you work on the original knapsack
list (the arrays parameters are passed by references), so that knapsack
gets completely messed up:
//don't take the current item and go check others
print_solutions(current_item + 1, knapsack, current_sum, items, n, limit);
Either you create a temporary array and copy knapsack
in it, or, much better, you start to use vector
, which will make your C++ life much easier (making attention to pass by value or by reference).
The following version uses a vectors. The &
in the parameter means that it's an argument passed by reference (i.e. the original vector can be changed). Note that we do no longer need to pass n
, as the vector knows its length, as list do in python:
void print_solutions(int current_item, vector<int>& knapsack, int current_sum, const vector<int>& items, int limit) {
//if all items have been processed print the solution and return
if (current_item == items.size() ) {
//don't take the current item and go check others
vector<int> knapcopy = knapsack;
print_solutions(current_item + 1, knapcopy, current_sum, items, limit);
//take the current item if the value doesn't exceed the limit
if (current_sum + items[current_item] <= limit) {
current_sum += items[current_item];
//current item taken go check others
print_solutions(current_item + 1, knapsack, current_sum, items, limit);
Here an online demo.