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Using appengine with arch and zsh unable to find goapp

I am new to appengine and have installed google-cloud-sdk from the AUR(arch user repository) and and the google-appengine-go extention at /opt/google-cloud-sdk

thanks to this I am able to run a dev server using app.yaml

But when using goapp serve I found

goapp: command not found

After adding /opt/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine:$PATH to my $PATH variable in zshrc and running goapp serve i now get the error.

zsh: permission denied: goapp

if sudo goapp serve

sudo: goapp: command not found

Due to this I am unable to use the updated sdk to run tests using goapp test Thank you in advance for your help.


  • I had the same problem and I think I figured out how it usually works.

    1. You download the google cloud sdk (
    2. After downloading and unzipping to the folder where you want to use it you have to executet the ./google-cloud-sdk/ Appengine is not part of the download. It can be chosen with that script. it will download items like appengine. Afterwards you have a folder called platform/google_appengine as you mentioned yourself.
    3. You might have to change execution permissions like chmod 755 platform/google_appengine/go*
    4. Add folder platform/google_appengine to the PATH if not done already. The command "which" will not show non-executable binaries. If you did not change permissions it will not show the path, even being within the PATH variable.