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Suppress running messages from RStan in Rmarkdown HTML output

The following are my r code.

```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, cache=0,eval=TRUE, error=FALSE}
stan_m1 <- rethinking::map2stan(
    y ~ dbinom(n, p),
    logit(p) <- alpha + bP*P + bA*A + bV*V,
    alpha ~ dnorm(0, 10),
    bP ~ dnorm(0, 5),
    bA ~ dnorm(0, 5),
    bV ~ dnorm(0, 5)
  data = d1, chains=2 , iter=2500 , warmup=500, debug=FALSE , 

When I knit my rmarkdown file as html output, I am getting following output. Is there any way to turn off these messages?



  • Put results="hide" in your chunk header.

    And, in rstan 2.18.2 or later you can specify the refresh = 0 argument to accomplish the same thing.