I'm using Xcode 9 Version 9.1 (9B55). There is something strange happening in a storyboard. Some of my views are are messed up, and I don't know what is the reason. It looks like this: EDITED
However, all my constraints are set right, and when I run the project on different simulators and on a physical device, everything looks fine. Here how it looks on a simulator/physical device:
I don't know what is the reason for this kind of behaviour but it makes impossible to work in a storyboard. I think, this problem has appeared quite recently. Sometimes, after reloading the Xcode, views again look fine, but when I start working with storyboard (adding new views, changing constraints or even just tapping on a constraint to see its constant), they again become messed up. Does anybody have this kind of issue, and how this could be solved?
After closing and opening Storyboard, the issue goes away! I think it's just an issue in x-code 9.