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How to speed up the sample rate of my ADS chip over SPI

For a chemistry research project at my school, we are using the ADS8320 data sheet found: here, to take in volatage readings from a potentiometer at a very fast rate. We are working off of a raspberry Pi 3 and are trying to take the data in through the GPIO and SPI pins on the Pi. I was able to do this using this code in python:

import time
import os
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO


start = time.time()

PIN_CLK = 11
PIN_DO = 9
PIN_DI = 10
PIN_CS = 8


def getADC(channel):
    GPIO.output(PIN_CS, True) #used to clear last transmission
    GPIO.output(PIN_CS, False) #Bringing cs to low

    GPIO.output(PIN_CLK, False) #starting the clock

    for i in [1,1,channel]: #start of a new bit assignment
        if (i==1):
            GPIO.output(PIN_DI, True)

        GPIO.output(PIN_CLK, True)
        GPIO.output(PIN_CLK, False)

    ad = 0
    for i in range (18):
        GPIO.output(PIN_CLK, True)
        GPIO>output(PIN_CLK, False)
        ad <<= 1
        if (GPIO.input(PIN_DO)):
            ad |= 0x1

    GPIO.output(PIN_CS, True) #reset

    return ad

if __name__ == "__main__":
    while True:
        bitReading = getADC(0)
        Data = float(bitReading/65535.0*3.3)
        getTime = float(time.time() - start)
        print ("%.5f" % getTime + "," + "%.5f" % Data)

The main issue with this code is that while I am able to take in data, it is much slower than what I would expect. From the data sheet it says that it runs at around 100Khz, but the issue is that currently it is taking in in milliseconds. How would I speed up this code? I am a complete beginner to coding and most of the working code I have is taken from sites I found from googling. I've seen things about spidev, but I'm not sure how to implement them. Any help on this would be great, as I'm a chem major not a comp sci major so I am wayyyyyyy out in the deep end for this problem. If you have any questions or if I'm missing any crucial information please let me know!


  • For the most part, looks like you had the right idea. I changed your getADC function based on my understanding of the spec, I wasn't sure what you were doing with the "start of a new bit assignment" section.

    I don't have anything to test with, so I'm not sure that this works but it saves a few clock cycles removing that and cleaning up some more of the function to read the data.

    Another thing you can do, shown below, is wait to convert the raw ADC reading to float (float math typically takes a lot of time/processing power). So just read for some amount of time, store the data off, then format and output it later. I'm not sure if that will work for your application, but it's an idea.

    Hopefully this helps a little, at a minimum you should try waiting to convert to float and output.

    import time
    import os
    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
    PIN_CLK = 11
    PIN_DO = 9
    PIN_DI = 10
    PIN_CS = 8
    def init_gpio():
        GPIO.setup(PIN_DI, GPIO.OUT)
        GPIO.setup(PIN_DO, GPIO.IN)
        GPIO.setup(PIN_CLK, GPIO.OUT)
        GPIO.setup(PIN_CS, GPIO.OUT)
    def getADC(channel):
        # A falling CS signal initiates the conversion and data transfer
        GPIO.output(PIN_CS, False)
        # After the fifth falling DCLOCK edge
        # DOUT is enabled and outputs a LOW value for one clock period
        # So after 6 clock periods, we have data
        for i in range(0, 6):
            GPIO.output(PIN_CLK, True)
            GPIO.output(PIN_CLK, False)
        # For the next 16 DCLOCK periods,
        # DOUT outputs the conversion result, most significant bit first
        ad = 0
        for i in range(0, 16):
            # Get next data bit
            ad <<= 1
            # Get to next bit by advancing clock
            GPIO.output(PIN_CLK, True)
            GPIO.output(PIN_CLK, False)
        GPIO.output(PIN_CS, True)  # reset
        return ad
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        start = time.time()
        results = []
        # Run for 60 seconds
        while ((time.time() - start) < 60):
        for result in results:
            # This was slowing you down
            # You could capture data and then output it like this
            Data = float(result / 65535.0 * 3.3)
            getTime = float(time.time() - start)
            print("%.5f" % getTime + "," + "%.5f" % Data)