I've started using shouldStartLoadWithRequest and been encountering puzzling behaviour as I understand things. In it's most simplest form I've tried the following...
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType
return YES;
With the side effect of when I click on HTML links the links do not load new pages in the UIWebView. Very likely I am not understanding something completely here. Any feedback/help would be greatly appreciated.
Two Possible reason
1> either you have not set the delegate
Set delegate your webview to your class
i.e in viewDidLoad
webView.delegate = self;
(if webView is taken in xib file you need to set the delegate from sib file)
2> your class does not implement UIWebViewDelegate protocol i.e. in your interface's declaration you haven,t declare it like this
@interface RootViewController : UIViewController<UIwebViewDelegate>