I am trying to login to my VM on google cloud using the following command (on Win 7):
gcloud compute ssh --zone=<zone_name> --ssh-flag="-D" --ssh-flag="1080" --ssh-flag="-N" <host_name>
It opens Putty windows with the following info:
Using username "some.local.name".
Authenticating with public key "SOMEDOMAIN\some.local.name@localhostname"
And does not move beyond this screen. It looks like it is using my local machine name and username instead relevant to google cloud. I wonder how I can fix it?
Also what are these flags --ssh-flag="-D"
and -ssh-flag="-N"
. I cannot find explanation anywhere.
According to https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/compute/ssh, --ssh-flag
passing the argument directly into PuTTY. You can look at PuTTY's help to see what -D
and -N
Does doing just gcloud compute ssh <host_name>
work? I am assume by <host_name>
you mean the Google Cloud Compute VM instance name.