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gcloud ssh stack at authentication, plus incorrect name

I am trying to login to my VM on google cloud using the following command (on Win 7):

gcloud compute ssh --zone=<zone_name> --ssh-flag="-D" --ssh-flag="1080" --ssh-flag="-N" <host_name>

It opens Putty windows with the following info:

Using username "".
Authenticating with public key "SOMEDOMAIN\"

And does not move beyond this screen. It looks like it is using my local machine name and username instead relevant to google cloud. I wonder how I can fix it?

Also what are these flags --ssh-flag="-D" and -ssh-flag="-N". I cannot find explanation anywhere.


  • According to, --ssh-flag passing the argument directly into PuTTY. You can look at PuTTY's help to see what -D and -N mean.

    Does doing just gcloud compute ssh <host_name> work? I am assume by <host_name> you mean the Google Cloud Compute VM instance name.